
Well conceived idea, Mr. Savage.

As I mentioned earlier, I was going to totter off to read the Stranger.

I commend unto my loyal readers (all three of you) the current Savage Love article by Dan Savage. You can find it here.

I'm sick to death of the tiresome and irresponsible assholes out there (both gay and straight) who run around engaging in unprotected sex. After having worked at a local non-profit HIV/AIDS advocacy group, I'm a little irritated by the attitude of 'It can't happen to me'. Wrong-o, Mary Lou. It CAN and WILL happen to you if you don't stop and think before you get down to the foolin' around.

Christ Almighty, people, just because there are all sorts of drug cocktails out there now that help prolong life and improve the quality of life after infection with HIV, that doesn't mean common sense needs to fly out the window.

While people are generally stupid, self-serving, arrogant pricks like the one in to-day's Savage Love article need to be horsewhipped. Wilfully exposing people to HIV is a criminal act. The fact that this contemptible fucksock is knowingly exposing people and doing so without turning a hair makes me sick.

Education, advertisements, free condoms, free testing, and other things obviously aren't doing much to stop the dumb fucks like this kadodie. Perhaps it is time that we adopt a plan similar to what Dan Savage is proposing. Why should all the responsible people out there foot the bill for medical expense that are incurred by the idiocy of two - and the intent of one?


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