There's generally a lot of foofaraw and pontificating (and pronunciamentos and predictions from people like that odious Pat Robertson) round about this time when the old year is dead and the New Year beginning.
There's also a lot of tripe about making New Year Resolutions that one earnestly intends to keep but wind up losing sight of within a few days or weeks of the new year.
For me, 16 March 2008 represents the thirtieth anniversary of my nativity which is rather sobering. It leads me to ask a lot of painful questions that I don't necessarily like the answers to.
Let's see:
Am I on a more stable financial footing? Yes and no. I still have debts of honour to remit and if (Cthulhu forbid) I should lose my job, I'd be very quickly in the breadlines, but I'm also not down to pence in the old Exchequer two days before payday. I'm getting better, but I'm not quite where I want to be.
Have I quit smoking? No. I desperately want to. I must and will quit smoking before I turn thirty.
Have I lost that weight I've been bitching about? No, and I need to. To that end, I'm eschewing eating out and will be eliminating a lot of junk from my diet. No more chemical, sugary, and additive-y things for me! I'll just send 'em all to Claes. I've set myself the goal of not eating out for lunch at work this month. This will, I believe, help reduce the amount of unhealthful food that I'm consuming AND save me money (which is a Good Thing). I also need to start being more active. Joining a gym won't do much for me since there's nothing conveniently close to work or on my way home. So I think I'll start walking downtown to catch my bus in the morning (which has the added benefit of avoiding a very tempting bakery by my Metro stop...) and I think I'll start going for walks/runs on the weekends. Moreover, I think I'll reduce the number of times I go out clubbing to once a month or so. Thus saving money and reducing the amount of the blushful Hippocrene I'm imbibing.
I also have decided that it's time to finish my unpacking, buy a new mattress and box spring for my bed so I can actually get a decent night's sleep without a spring gouging me in the gizzard, and purchase a new divan and another bookshelf since mine's run out of space. Oh, yeah, and a new computer. Aiie!
There is more, but that's enough for now. I'll let you know how things go. :)
Labels: food, New Year, Thoughts