

I'm tired to-day.

The last several days have been appallingly hot. Wednesday was over ninety degrees and made one curl round the edges like St. Thingummy on a gridiron. Thursday was a trifle better but I didn't go to bed until midnight because my room was a bit too warm for my tastes.

It is almost pleasant today. I'm going to go out this evening but I'm feeling lackluster.

It's Peter's birthday on Monday so I'm going to make him a cake to-morrow. A lemon cake.

I've discovered that the neighbours up a floor and over a building annoy me. They're listening to godawful club music with shrieking divas at volumes that would stun a police dog at fifty yards. Meanwhile, I'm trying to be a good tenant and not blare my music at earsplitting levels. I think I may just give up and blast Funker Vogt at them. I hate guys that are TGTF.

Anyway, must dash. Just a quick update.

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Enter the News, followed by the Internet and Ms. Sioux

The move is accomplished! We met with the off-site apartment manager last night and did our walk-through, signed away our lease, and whatnot.

  • A super colossal Thank-you-very-much-I-love-you-more-than-gin-or-Guinness-or-Whiskey-and-Soda to Theresa, Chris, and Jess for their much needed (and greatly appreciated) help with the move. As promised, let's go have a Mouthgasm at Via Tribunali.
  • The intarweb is currently inoperative at Chez Nous. I'm suffering from the DTs because I can't come home and play on the web. Since the company who provides the intarweb to us doesn't have Customer Disservice on the week-ends, we had to wait until Monday after Peter got off work to call them. In theory, I should have the intarweb this evening when I get home.
  • My telephone numbers (both home and mobile) have remained the same.

The ever lovely Patrick, knowing my passion for the Great Goddess Herself - Siouxsie Sioux - has sent me the following video with the emphatic instructions to hang onto my wig and keys. I thus present unto you, my loyal readers (all two of you), Siouxsie's new release - Into A Swan, I suggest you hold onto your wigs and keys.

Siouxsie -Into A Swan

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