
For a change, good news! Well, mostly...

Yesterday afternoon, during a break from resting on the divan, I noticed that my sister had sent me an instant message advising me that my dad's new employer had let him go with no real reason given.

My immediate thought (and that of my sister as well) was that the employer had somehow gotten wind of my dad's cancer and gave him the sack to avoid insurance premiums down the road when he became eligible. Naturally, this did very little to improve my mood.

Sometimes words just don't suffice and one needs to start saying things with brickbats and broken bottles...

Fortunately (for them), some good news came along — which, I must say, was a welcome change. It's very tiring being perpetually screwed up in anticipation of something awful popping out at you when there's absolutely nothing at all that you can do to make things better. But, I digress.

Dad had an appointment today to have a bone marrow biopsy after which he met with the doctor who went over the results of the CT scan from yesterday and today's biopsy.

The CT scan and biopsy were both very, very good.

It turns out that the cancer has NOT spread like they initially thought. In fact, the cancer is localized in his skin on the spot on his leg. If I recall correctly, Mom said the doctors called it cutaneous large cell lymphoma. Or something. Regardless, it can be treated with Prednisone and localized radiation therapy. Mom also said that the doctor said that he (Dad) would die of other causes long before the cancer would carry him off — which, of course, is very, very good news.

Maybe I'll finally get a relatively decent night's sleep for a change instead of lying awake and worrying about my folks and being angry about the fucked up health care system (or lack thereof) in this country. Well, no, I'm still angry about the ghastliness of the American health care system. Clearly (as one political cartoonist put it), the President thinks it is better that we're sick than socialist.

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One more as I couldn't determine which book was technically closer...

Since I am generally surrounded by books (I count eight currently scattered about on my desk)...

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

"If he says a thing is so, it is so. I have the utmost confidence in the fellow, and am prepared to follow his lead without question.'

'But surely, sir, you are not proposing—'"

Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville. The Code of the Woosters. New York; Vintage Books, 1975


Book meme

A flourish with the new bowler to dear Miche for this lovely little meme.

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

"There was a change in Boldwood's exterior from its former impassibleness; and his face showed that he was now living outside his defences for the first time, and with a fearful sense of exposure. It is the usual experience of strong natures when they love.

At last he arrived at a conclusion."

Hardy, Thomas. Far From The Madding Crowd. New York: Signet, 2002.
