Some Retail Therapy.
My new fourteen eye Doc Marten Triumph 1914s. :D They're teh awesome - very comfortable to wear (although, I should've thought better about stomping around Seattle in them for the rest of the day since I'm now sportin' some hellacious blisters on my feet. Ah, well) and super awesome looking.
My new hat! Several years ago, I had a nice bowler hat. Unfortunately, years of wear and it not being the greatest quality caught up with it and it went out to the rubbish tip since there was nowt that anyone could do for it.
So, for my birthday, I staggered round to Byrnie Utz hats and purchased a new one. :) This is a weird 'I'm on the Metro taking a picture' kind of picture. The hat is really awesome. Ignore the old rickety Metro carriage in the background.
One of the reasons we were out and about shopping was to find Sina a new corset or a cincher. I rang up my very awesome friend Jess to come rally round and lend a hand - she has impec. taste with such things and is very knowledgeable about corsetry.
Anyway, we tottered about all of Cap Hill and downtown looking for something that was a) nice looking, b) wasn't crap, and c) was affordable. Mind you, a really good corset is going to set you back a few hundred dollars, but we were looking for a nice balance of cost and quality. Which we found in this corset. She's got a lil' top thing on underneath this corset (which needs to be worn a little bit lower) but it looks grrrrrrrreat. :D