
Monday Musings

Today is my roommate Peter's birthday. Thus, I'll take this opportunity to wish him a very happy anniversary of his nativity. I trust he'll have a pleasant year.

Yesterday, Peter and I put together the bookcase and I've restored most of my books to their home. Sadly, I need more shelving to contain them all. I hate leaving books in boxes. It seems quite criminal. We also wrangled my awful, rickety old computer desk into position and got Maude all set up which meant that we're now able to eat like normal human beings instead of grubbing over our food at our respective computers. Civilisation is so wonderful.

Tonight, my favourite former Marine, Brad, will be coming over to help me hang the curtains in the house. This will make the place look more homelike and less we've-just-moved-in-excuse-our-dust,-please. I also need to hang a few pictures and place various other objets d'arts.

I also really need to get my vacuum cleaner out of storage. Unfortunately, it's in Post Falls, ID - 300 miles east of Seattle so collaring it will be something of a treat. I'll have to check with various and diverse people to find out when they'll next be going over there or headed here. New carpets tend to shed a bit and I'd love to give the place a good hoovering.

I had the dickens of a time getting out of bed this morning. I was up late playing EQ2 (later than I should've been to be honest) and when I finally did go to bed the Hottentots in the apartments next door were carrying on regardless. Someone apparently was incapable of parking their Ford Behemoth 2007 without a ground crew to direct them - the direction consisting of bawling, 'Bring the wheel over! No! The other way!' at the top of their lungs in an open garage at 2 in the ack emma accompanied by the squealing of fan belts and tires on pavement. This went on for what seemed like a veritable geologic epoch.

I hope that their Behemoth 2007 flips and bursts into flames like the Canyonero. Preferably ONTO the ground crew.


What do you want to bet that these are the same people who listen to their infernal house music at incredibly high volume at all hours?

I hope they catch elephantiasis, sprue, a raging quinsy, AND dropsy!

I think I'll start keeping a supply of bricks on hand so I can bung them in their general direction as needed.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Herr Peter, and have you tried vacuuming the walls? Or releasing swarms of locusts into their apartment?

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hottentots, eh?

I've just had the Orbital Anvil Delivery System recalibrated. Say the word, darling.

11:25 PM  
Blogger The Wicked Brian of the West said...


Vacuuming the walls, while entertaining and efficacious if the offending blighter shares a wall with you, is not effective in this case as they live in a different building.


Ooh, good plan. Lock all OADS tubes and fire when ready!

12:49 PM  

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